All the data and code can be found here:

Day 1: Wesnesday, 12th June

8.30h Registration
9.00h Welcome
9.30h Icebreaker
10.30h Coffee Break
11.00h Demographic Transition and the Cultural Evolution of Reproduction
Heidi Colleran
12.00h Lunch Break
13.30h Constructing theory
Richard McElreath
15.30h Coffee Break
16.00h Generating predictions from a principled model
Richard McElreath
18.00h Poster Session
Download Abstracts Here

Day 2: Thursday, 13th June

9.30h Reproducible Workflows I
Bret Beheim
10.30h Coffee Break
11.00h Studying the spread of innovation in birds: data to models and back again
Lucy Aplin
12.00h Lunch Break
13.30h Reproducible Workflows II
Bret Beheim
15.30h Coffee Break
16.00h EWA models and observational data: Linking individual variation in learning strategies to population-level cultural dynamics I
Brendan Barrett
17.30h Coffee Break
18.00h Meet downstairs for dinner at 19:00
19.00h Dinner at the Glashaus
Karl-Tauchnitz-Straße 26
04107 Leipzig

Day 3: Friday, 14th June

9.30h EWA models and observational data: Linking individual variation in learning strategies to population-level cultural dynamics II
Brendan Barrett
10.30h Coffee Break
11.00h Basic causal inference
Richard McElreath
12.00h Lunch Break
13.30h More causal inference
Cody Ross
15.00h Coffee Break
15.30h Annual General Meeting of the ESLR Society

All the data and code can be found here:

Copyright © 2019 Han Tran. All rights reserved.